Kali Linux Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + AMove to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl + EMove to the end of the line.
Ctrl + UClear the text before the cursor.
Ctrl + KClear the text after the cursor.
Ctrl + WDelete the word before the cursor.
Ctrl + DDelete the character at the cursor.
Ctrl + HBackspace (delete one character).
Alt + BMove back one word.
Alt + FMove forward one word.
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove back one word.
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove forward one word.

Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + YPaste the most recently deleted text.
Ctrl + TSwap the last two characters before the cursor.
Alt + TSwap the last two words before the cursor.
Alt + BackspaceDelete the word before the cursor.
Alt + DDelete the word after the cursor.

Clipboard and Copy-Paste

Ctrl + Shift + CCopy selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste copied text.
Ctrl + InsertCopy selected text.
Shift + InsertPaste copied text.

Process Management

Ctrl + CInterrupt and terminate the current process.
Ctrl + ZSuspend the current process.
Ctrl + LClear the terminal screen.

Command History

Ctrl + RSearch backward through command history.
Ctrl + PRecall the previous command.
Ctrl + NRecall the next command.
Ctrl + OExecute the current command and fetch the next one in history.
!!Execute the last command again.
!nExecute the command at position n in history.
!<command>Run the most recent command starting with <command>
Ctrl + GCancel the reverse search.

Tab Management (if using terminal with tabs)

Ctrl + Shift + TOpen a new terminal tab.
Ctrl + Shift + WClose the current terminal tab.
Ctrl + Page UpSwitch to the previous tab.
Ctrl + Page DownSwitch to the next tab.
Alt + Left ArrowMove to the previous terminal tab.
Alt + Right ArrowMove to the next terminal tab.

Terminal Sessions and Window Management

Ctrl + Shift + NOpen a new terminal window.
Ctrl + Shift + QQuit the terminal application.
Ctrl + Alt + TOpen a new terminal (from desktop).

Advanced Shortcuts

Ctrl + X + EOpen the current command in your default text editor for editing.
Ctrl + SPause terminal output.
Ctrl + QResume terminal output.
Ctrl + JExecute the command without pressing Enter.

Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + GAbort the current action
Ctrl + MEnter a newline (acts like pressing Enter).
Ctrl + DExit the terminal (if no text is present).
Ctrl + _Undo the last editing action.

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